Monday, June 12, 2017

When It Comes To Tax Time, Who Is A Dependent?

Today is my son's eighth birthday, and naturally, I spent the morning thinking back to the countless ways he's enriched my life. There was that first dependency exemption in 2009. And then that much-needed dependent care credit in 2011. And who can forget the child tax credit of 2014? Great times, all.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Worst Taxes? Paying Someone Else's

Paying taxes is rarely satisfying or something you look forward to. Besides, it is almost an article of faith that it is perfectly legal--and just plain smart--to arrange your affairs so you pay as little as possible. But if you think that paying taxes can't get any worse, you would be wrong. The least satisfying of all taxes would be paying taxes that are not even yours. It is as if no one is going to give you any credit, and you are only stuck with someone's else's taxes because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. That might be how some people view some 'responsible persons' who are stuck paying their employer's taxes. Let's start with the basics.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

'Soup Nazi' Tax Evasion Case Holds Lessons For Every Business

Robert N. Bertrand, CFO of the Soupman, Inc. chain made famous with Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi character, has been indicted for tax crimes. The indictment alleges 20 counts of failure to pay Medicare, Social Security, and federal income taxes. Soupman, Inc. is based in Staten Island, and licenses the name and recipes of Al Yeganeh, the “Soup Nazi” character from Seinfeld. No crime has yet been proven, but the charges are quite serious.