Thursday, November 9, 2017

House bill features many business tax changes

At an estimated projected revenue cost over 10 years of $1.46 trillion, the reduction of the corporate income tax rate in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R. 1, is the bill's largest single item by forecast negative effect to the federal budget, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation's estimate (JCX-47-17). But the bill contains many other provisions that would affect a large number of businesses, if enacted.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Details of tax reform legislation revealed

The House Ways and Means Committee released draft tax reform legislation on Thursday. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R. 1, incorporates many of the provisions listed in the Republicans’ September tax reform framework while providing new details. Budget legislation passed in October would allow for the tax reform bill to cut federal government revenue by up to $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years and still be enacted under the Senate’s budget reconciliation rules, which would require only 51 votes in the Senate for passage. The Joint Committee on Taxation issued an estimate of the revenue effects of the bill on Thursday showing a net total revenue loss of $1.487 trillion over 10 years.